"Strew the seeds of small kindness.
Some of those seeds might cultivate
and become flowers of success in the future."
Walton Lee, "Wisdom's Way"

Mission Statement

Ananda Life was founded in 2010 with a clear mission: To provide a safe haven and a nurturing environment for the spiritual growth of dispossessed children, in a setting where overcoming personal challenges and discipline frame the path to a productive and meaningful life. We strive to foster productive behavior by attending to the individual needs and special qualities of the children we serve to develop their most positive character traits, enabling them to better attain their ultimate destiny. The fork in the road for the child who becomes dispossessed could be the most meaningful crossroads he/she encounters in a lifetime. The choices he/she makes while experiencing this stage of life will be significant to his/her life. During this challenging time the child will be making mental impressions and forming principles to conquer over his/her challenges. The child residing at Ananda Life’s facilities will be forming these impressions in an environment that will create an opportunity for inspiration, for mental, physical and spiritual growth in a discipline structure. This environment will foster in the child an ability to realize that the choices he/she makes should reflect a spiritual growth and a respect for life, as the only path to real happiness.

When a dispossessed child discovers that there is a reason to think they may find joy and happiness through their dedication to life affirming principles, the door is opened for him/her to change the world. Switch the imagination a small degree for a person in difficult circumstances and the beauty of the world can be perceived and the world changed. The symbol of Ananda Life (), is the first of the life affirming principles to which Ananda Life is dedicated: To bring joy by joining with another and lifting a third one higher. While there is no definitive roadmap for this outcome, it is believed that higher forms of behavior such as acknowledging that when you lift another you lift yourself, this realization becomes a crucial piece to the puzzle that allows a person to experience something truly pure and permanent. This experience is not easily forgotten. He/she will connect with a vision that will allow clearer thinking and a more specific understanding of ever-lasting concepts.

The door to open these behaviors and thought processes are of course challenging. It requires discipline; a commitment to life affirming ethics; an incentive for the individual, the knowledge that there is a path to happiness, (which only comes from life affirming principles); and the inspiration and teachings.

Ananda Life will provide an atmosphere for:

The environment will foster honesty. Even a child’s feelings of hate, dishonesty and fear, sure to bring aggression and destruction, can veer in a new, positive direction. The individual will learn that honesty allows him/her to gain an understanding of greater truths, compassion, gratitude, and beauty are instruments for the destruction of harmful emotions.

Fostering the principles:

Children daily will get the opportunity to communicate with an experienced and trained counselor of spiritual discipline for guidance and inspiration. Ananda Life plans to tap the very best and brightest persons of dynamic universal thinking from the community to allow children to make sense of their circumstances and life in general.

Physical Discipline: For those children that are not disabled physically a daily routine of physical exercise is required. Children will practice martial arts, yoga, and other traditional sporting activities, all fostering principles of self-confidence, strength, team effort, and sportsmanship.

Confidence through paid labor: Children of the age who are capable of working for a wage shall be provided opportunities to earn money for themselves and their personal expenses.

If local volunteers are not available to engage the children in the different aspects of the arts, visual, dramatic, and musical, Ananda Life will hire professionals in the field. The acquisition of these skills will allow the children a healthy and dynamic vision of the breadth of their community and the world.

If behavioral experts are needed to foster the principles predicated by Ananda Life they will assist the child with their personal commitments and aid them in renouncing behavior that is destructive, eliciting a promise to be honest about it.

Contact Us:

(305) 446-4177

75 Valencia Ave
#4th Floor
Coral Gables Fl